Or at least Part I, anyway.
So, dust off your Santa hat, hang your stockings (by the chimney with care, of course), and snuggle in with some hot cocoa...
I've already given you a little sneak peak of the first three in previous entries:
10. Gremlins
9. Jack Frost
8. Black Christmas (1974)
NOTE: I know they remade Black Christmas a few years ago, but as much as I love Buffy's Michelle Trachtenberg, I still like to watch the original. I mean, it is absolutely classic 1970's horror. The villain gets absolutely no back story. The plot consists of only a madman killing young women at Christmas. Throw in a little of that day-glo red blood and some well-placed moans and groans (mostly from the killer) and you've got a fun, popcorn horror flick that is bad in the very best way possible.
7. Don't Open 'Til Christmas
Teehee...this movie trailer makes me giggle. Doesn't it just look like such a Grindhouse movie that it almost doesn't even look real?
It's almost as if it is a parody of itself, but it isn't! I cannot even tell you what I love most. Maybe it's the premise: a serial killer who only kills Santas. Hmmmm....have we found a precursor to our favorite specialized serial killer, Dexter? Or maybe it's the random, glittery Disco music in the middle of all the mayhem. I don't know, but I like it.
6. Silent Night, Deadly Night
Here's another goodie courtesy of the 1980's. This one is from 1984 too...that Christmas must have been horrific. I love the title, a lovely take on a classic carol. And those animatronic elves are enough to give anyone nightmares. The trailer itself isn't the best, but I absolutely love the film's taglines. Here are a few from IMDB:
You've made it through Halloween, now try and survive Christmas
Santa's Here!
He knows when you've been naughty
Shocking... disturbing... The movie they tried to ban.
If "A Nightmare on Elm Street" gave you sleepless nights, or if "Halloween" made you jump in every shadow or if every "Friday the 13th" was more frightening that the others... THEN BEWARE!
That's right...beware the holiday-themed horror movie!!
These should be enough to get you through the night. Check back tomorrow for the continuation of the list! Oh, and watch out for fat men trying to sneak into your house tonight. Santa is not always so jolly...
See you tomorrow!
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